
Spinal Stack provides two classes related to monitoring. monitoring/agent.pp and monitoring/server.pp. Please read below for more details.



The purpose of this puppet class is to be able to fully configure sensu on the agent side.

The class itself takes no parameter it only installs the sensu packages.

As for the rest of Spinal Stack, the whole configuration takes place in the according hiera’s yaml configuration file.


The purpose of this puppet class is to be able to fully configure the sensu server.

In order to be fully operational a sensu server needs to be properly connected to Redis and RabbitMQ, which is taken care of by this class. Also, a sensu server can be more powerfull by adding plugins and handlers, which is also taken care of by this class.

This class takes the following parameters :

  • checks (hash): A hash of checks to install
  • handlers (hash): A hash of handlers to install
  • plugins (hash): A hash of plugins to install
  • rabbitmq_user (string): The RabbitMQ user to connect to
  • rabbitmq_password (string): The RabbitMQ password
  • rabbitmq_vhost (string); The RabbitMQ virtual host to connect to

Components Configuration

Following is the list of the puppet modules used for Spinal Stack logging infrastructure :

Name Homepage

Each and every of those modules are highly configurable. Listed below are the most important parameters for a proper integration. If those parameters is not enough for your needs, please refer to the implementation of the actual module.


name default purpose
sensu::server false Include the sensu server
sensu::api false Include the sensu api
sensu::rabbitmq_port 5672 RabbitMQ port to be used by sensu
sensu::rabbitmq_host localhost Host running RabbitMQ for sensu
sensu::rabbitmq_user sensu Username to connect to RabbitMQ with sensu
sensu::rabbitmq_password ‘’ Password to connect to RabbitMQ with sensu
sensu::rabbitmq_vhost sensu Virtual host to connect to RabbitMQ with sensu
sensu::rabbitmq_ssl false Use SSL transport to connect to RabbitMQ
sensu::rabbitmq_ssl_private_key undef Private key to be used by sensy to connect to RabbitMQ
sensu::rabbitmq_cert_chain undef Private SSL cert chain to be used by sensy to connect to RabbitMQ
sensu::redis_host localhost Hostname of Redis to be used by sensu
sensu::redis_port 6379 Redis port to be used by sensu
sensu::api_bind IP to bind the api service to
sensu::api_host localhost Hostname of the sensu api serice
sensu::api_port 4567 Port of the sensu api service
sensu::api_user undef User of the sensu api service
sensu::api_password undef Password of the sensu api service
sensu::subscriptions undef Default subscriptions used by the client


name default purpose
uchiwa::install_repo true Should the package manage the repos
uchiwa::user ‘’ Username to access the dashboard. Leave empty for none.
uchiwa::pass ‘’ Password to access the dashboard. Leave empty for none.
uchiwa::host IP address / hostname to bind the monitoring dashboard to
uchiwa::port 3000 Port to bind the monitoring dashboard to
uchiwa::stats 10 Determines the retention, in minutes, of graphics data
uchiwa::refresh 1000 Determines the interval to pull the Sensu API, in milliseconds


name default purpose
redis::port 6379 Accept redis connections on this port.
redis::bind_address false Address to bind to.


This class is managed by cloud::messaging, please refer to it for it’s configuration.



Since the class cloud::monitoring::agent::sensu simply install the sensu packages no configuration is required hiera wise.


This is an example of the configuration of the sensu monitoring server

sensu::server: true
sensu::api: true
sensu::rabbitmq_password: password
sensu::rabbitmq_host: brk01
sensu::rabbitmq_vhost: /sensu
uchiwa::user: admin
uchiwa::password: password
uchiwa::host: "%{::ipaddress}"
uchiwa::install_repo: false
    command: /path/to/check/
    command: /path/to/check/
cloud::monitoring::server::sensu::rabbitmq_user: sensu
cloud::monitoring::server::sensu::rabbitmq_password: password
cloud::monitoring::server::sensu::rabbitmq_vhost: '/sensu'