Post Deployment

Tips and tricks for post-deployment actions and configuration.


Import Cloud images

Currently Cloud images are not available online yet. We will provide both QCOW2 and RAW format images. But in the meantime this is how we add a new image:

glance image-create --name <name> --disk-format raw --container-format bare --file <path_to_img> --is-public True --is-protected True --progress

Mirosoft Windows images

Microsoft Cloud images need special properties to run properly. In order to improve the user experience we use the QLX drivers:

glance image-create --name Microsoft_Windows_Server_2012_R2 --disk-format raw --container-format bare --file <path_to_img> --is-public True --is-protected True --property hw_video_model=qxl --property hw_video_ram=64 --progress

Properties can also be edited like this:

glance image-update <image-id> --property hw_video_model=qxl --property hw_video_ram=6

The Nova flavor must be edited accordingly to reflect the properties:

nova flavor-key set hw_video:ram_max_mb=128

Old Cloud images

For CentOS 5 images, the virtio support is pretty poor and tend to make the VM randomly not bootable (2/5 times). You will likely encounter the following message from the Kernel during the boot sequence.:

Kernel panic - not syncing: IO-APIC + timer doesn't work!

In order to bypass this, we use IDE disks and rtl8139 network card instead of virtio models.:

glance image-create --name GNU_Linux_CentOS_5.1 --disk-format raw --container-format bare --file <path_to_img> --is-public True --is-protected True --progress --property hw_disk_bus=ide --property hw_vif_model=rtl8139


Delete flavors and re-create tiny flavors

In order to have bootable tiny flavor we need to increase the size of the m1.tiny flavor:

nova flavor-delete 1
nova flavor-create m1.tiny 1 512 6 1

Boot Microsoft Windows instances to specific hypervisors

Due to some licensing constraint, Microsoft Windows virtual machines must be booted on dedicated hypervisors. Basically you only license a few amount of hypervisor.


you will not be enable to boot the image on other flavors


however the other way around is not true, you will be able to boot other images with this flavor

First you must add a new filter AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter to the scheduler filters:


Then create the aggregate that will contain the Windows instances:

nova aggregate-create microsoft-windows


you can use nova host-list to retrieve hypervisor names

Add host to your aggregate:

nova aggregate-add-host <aggregate> <server>

Create a new metadata for this aggregate:

nova aggregate-set-metadata <microsoft-windows aggregate ID> windowshypervisors=true


be careful if you modify the name of an aggregate all the metadata will be deleted (behavior seen on Icehouse)

Create a new flavor for the Windows instances:

nova flavor-create 6 4096 40 2

Assign to this flavor a special property:

nova flavor-key set windowshypervisors=true


Initiale br-pub: Public Network

Create a public network on br-pub, the default provider network:

neutron net-create public --router:external=True
neutron subnet-create public --name ext-subnet --allocation-pool start=$ALLOCATION_PUBLIC_POOL_START,end=ALLOCATION_PUBLIC_POOL_END --disable-dhcp --gateway $ALLOCATION_PUBLIC_POOL_GW 193.191.68

Create a new provider network (on VLAN 100)

Create a new provider on VLAN 100:

neutron net-create public --provider:network_type vlan --provider:physical_network public --provider:segmentation_id 100 --shared --router:external=True

Create some metering labels for traffic passing through routers external interface

The following will meter all traffic going through routers’ external interfaces:

neutron meter-label-create public-in
neutron meter-label-rule-create public-in --direction ingress

neutron meter-label-create public-out
neutron meter-label-rule-create public-out --direction egress

Rules can be more specific and include or exclude some IP ranges. See for more details.


Create a QoS for a volume type

Originally both QEMU and KVM support rate limitation. This is obviously implemented through libvirt and available as an extra xml flag within the <disk> section called iotune.

QoS options are:

  • total_bytes_sec: the total allowed bandwidth for the guest per second
  • read_bytes_sec: sequential read limitation
  • write_bytes_sec: sequential write limitation
  • total_iops_sec: the total allowed IOPS for the guest per second
  • read_iops_sec: random read limitation
  • write_iops_sec: random write limitation

Set QoS options:

cinder qos-create high-iops consumer="front-end" read_iops_sec=2000 write_iops_sec=1000
cinder type-create high-iops
cinder qos-associate c38d72f8 9c746ca5